Wednesday, July 8, 2009

::Week 1::

Today I nearly late for my first resources's because of the terrible jam near Um this morning...
I was praying hard to God not to be a late comer for this class because I'm afraid of the lecturer's first impression towards me..huhu..first impression is important right?
I love the lecturer...seriously...she made things comfortable and pleasing for us...
the way she approached's kind of motivating actually...
In the first lecture, Pn. Foziah briefly told us what we are going to learn in this course...
We'll learn how to prepare teaching aids for the Esl classroom by using technology...
For me...this is going to be an interesting course because in my opinion, the growing of teachnology and innovation move hand in hand in education...
Technology helps the educators to make variation especially in creating and choosing suitable teaching materials for the children...
By using different sources in the ESL classroom, it will help to promote motivation in learning the language..
Other than that, I was elected by my lecturer to collect money for the class..hehe..
My first experience for this semester because before this I was the assisstant monitor for my class..
InsyaAllah...Iwill carry out my duty honestly...
I hope my journey in acquiring knowledge especially in technology will benefit me in the future!
I'm looking forward to attend this class again...:-)